Clicking the Edit Files button allows you choose Windows 10's Libraries or any folders under My Computer. In addition to the hourly schedule, you can use the Edit Schedule button and choose either daily or monthly. I then clicked the Start Backup button and the backup began immediately in the background. Once the installation was complete, I accepted the default backup settings, which configured the backup of my entire user directory on an hourly basis, as shown in Figure C.
(I will tell you that I later installed the rest of the tools and found them just as impressive as WD Backup.) Figure B From the WD Apps Setup wizard, you can easily install the WD Backup program. After all, I just wanted to back up my data files. However, to keep myself from getting sidetracked by other bells and whistles, I ran a Custom install and just selected WD Backup, as shown in Figure B. In addition to WD Backup, the package includes a security tool for password protecting your drive, as well as drive management and status tools. Figure A The opening screen of the WD Apps Setup wizard shows all the tools that come with the My Passport Ultra. After a moment, the WD Apps Setup wizard, shown in Figure A, appeared on the screen. I just accessed the drive in File Explorer and double-clicked the WD Apps Setup file.

After I connected the drive to my laptop with the included USB 3.0 cable I was off and running.
Installing WD Backup was easy, and of course, all the software and user manuals are on the drive itself.